Friday, June 24, 2016

Skin Cancer And Mohs Micrographic Surgery: An Overview

Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the three major types of skin cancers. There are also other unusual types of skin cancers such as Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans. Most skin cancers start off as precancerous lesions, which could later on lead to skin cancer. Moles or abnormal moles known as nevus or dysplastic nevi, and actinic keratosis, which are usually red or brown rough patches on the skin, among others are the common forms from which skin cancer originates.
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Basal cell carcinoma (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinoma are malignant types of skin cancers, which are said to be unlikely to spread out. However, there’s also an aggressive and fatal type of skin cancer known as malignant melanoma.

The treatment of skin cancers, whether they are aggressive or not, is a must, especially in the early stage of diagnosis. One of the techniques used to remove skin cancer is Mohs microscopic surgery (MMS). This procedure requires both pathology and surgery, the process involving precise microscopic control of the margins through dyed frozen-section of histology that indicates the tumor map. Layers and layers of skin tissues are removed throughout the process until there’s no more skin cancer visible microscopically.

MMS is considered a special advancement in skin cancer treatment because the procedure thoroughly examines even the under-surface of the skin layer to check if all cancer cells have already been removed. This methodical approach prevents the recurrence of skin cancer. shares recurrent BBCs or high-risk primary tumors with the following characteristics requiring MMS:
  • Aggressive histologic growth pattern
  • Location in anatomic sites at which conventional treatment modalities have a higher potential risk of recurrence
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  • Location at anatomic sites that require tissue conservation for optimal reconstruction

Dr. Kenneth M. Reed of DermASAP can help people suffering from skin cancer. For more information on the facility’s services, visit

Monday, June 6, 2016

Getting Rid Of Fat Cells Forever With Vanquish Me

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Eliminating those stubborn love handles and fat deposits in the belly can finally be achieved through a new non-invasive procedure. Vanquish ME by DermASAP is much easier and safer than other fat-eliminating procedures. It is an FDA-approved procedure that utilizes radio frequency waves, which kill the fat cells without damaging the delicate tissues around the treatment site. This virtually painless procedure minimizes discomfort and side effects during and after the process.

Massive weight loss is not the ultimate goal of the procedure, but rather the reduction of the abdomen size. It also melts inches from a patient’s waist and is perfect for people who are looking for a less invasive procedure to get rid of excess fat cells.

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After the treatment, redness and swelling might occur. When the fat cells have been successfully killed, they will be filtered through the lymphatic system, metabolized in the liver, and will then be excreted through urine. The elimination of dead fat cells can be quicker if the patient drinks plenty of water before and after each procedure. Vanquish ME usually requires four to six 30-minute sessions to achieve the best results.

DermASAP is now offering the Vanquish ME treatment to its patients. The clinic is manned by qualified professionals and employs the best technology to provide the patients quality services. For more information about its services, visit thiswebsite.